Friday, December 26, 2008

A Humble Prayer

Scripture: 1 Chronicles 29:10-20

Song: He Leadeth Me

Israel was generous in supporting the construction of the temple in Jerusalem. Their zealous spirit was complemented by the humble prayer David offered before the assembly.

“All things come from You, and of Your own we have given You,” David prayed (vs. 14). Our gifts to God are spoiled when we become impressed with our gift giving. The worshipper who thinks he has given so much to God has not stopped to consider how much God has given him. He merely returns to God what is already His. That leads to the further consideration—God wants you, not your gifts. He desires children, not things.

“I know… that You test the heart and have pleasure in uprightness,” prayed King David (vs. 17). Hypocrites are brave souls. To be a hypocrite is to be cowardly before men who are fooled by the act, but to be courageous before God who sees through our mask. Better to fear God who tests the heart and to be brave toward men whose judgment of our performance doesn’t matter.

“Give my son Solomon a loyal heart,” asked David (vs. 18). Of all the things David left to his son, his faith was the most precious. Thrones and palaces and armies and treasuries are uncertain. But faith—it shall stand when glory and power and riches fail. Pass your faith to your family and you make them richer than Solomon in all his glory. Teach them to work and to study but don’t teach them to love God and you may secure their fortunes but not their future.

Jason Moore