Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Family Together

This blog is a tool for building the habit of assembling the family for daily devotion. The concept is not a new idea, but the recommendation of an old one. Long ago, Moses explained how it is done (Deuteronomy 6:6-9): “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt…”

“Teach them”
—make it a part of your homework.

"Talk of them”—make it a kitchen table conversation.

“Bind them”—mark it on your calendar.

“Write them”—mark it on your “To Do” list.

“In thine heart”—as a quiet time tool.

“Unto thy children”—as a bedtime ritual.

“In thine house”—as a mealtime course.

“By the way”—as a break time refreshment.

“Upon thine hand”—on top of your remote.

“Between thine eyes”—on the front of your fridge.

“Upon thy doorposts”—beside your cereal box.

“On thy gates”—in the center of your coffee table.

“When thou sittest”—before you turn on the TV.

“When thou walkest”—before you go to the mall.

“When thou liest down”—before you brush.

“When thou risest up”—before you read the paper.

“For a sign”—to correct your course.

“As frontlets”—to maintain your vision.

How do you start the family together habit? According to Moses, just like the thousand other habits in your day. You make it a habit. Make it yours.

Jason Moore