Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Model Prayer

Scripture: Nehemiah 1:1-11

Song: Did You Think To Pray?

The sermon on the mount preserves Jesus’ model prayer. But the Scriptures are replete with other prayers worthy of our imitation such as that of Nehemiah in today’s reading. Look at it again.

It is the widow’s prayer. Jesus told the parable of the widow who pleaded with the unjust judge to avenge her of her adversary. Nehemiah prayed with such persistency “day and night” (v. 6). The Lord’s answer to his plight is a demonstration that God shall indeed “avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him” (Luke 18:7).

It is the sinner’s prayer. “God be merciful to me a sinner!” was Nehemiah’s petition as he mourned the sins of his people and his times. The man who regularly speaks to God and reflects on His law feels the same as God about sin. Nehemiah went down to his house justified for “he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 18:14).

It is the participant’s prayer. Nehemiah didn’t just pray for the Lord to do. He prayed for the Lord to help him do: “Let your servant prosper this day” (v. 11). This is the prayer of faith – the prayer uttered by a man marching off to do the Lord’s bidding. If there is any prayer God will answer, it is the volunteer’s prayer: “Here am I, send me.”

If you wish to offer a prayer that you know will be heard, imitate this model prayer of Nehemiah. It was written for our learning.

Jason Moore