Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's A Small World After All

Scripture: Psalm 2

Song: Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!

I stopped to watch a crew of ants working to move a little piece of potato chip. It struck me how very small they were next to me and how vulnerable. I can blow – not very hard – and accomplish what it takes the whole colony of them to do. I can take a twig and with a couple of sweeps bring havoc to their miniature world. A carelessly placed footstep and the entire project is brought to naught.

What’s amazing is that they seem not to notice me unless I get in their way. They go about their business unaware that I’m watching and ignorant of the amusement they give me. They scurry along oblivious to the giant hovering over their world. I looked away from the ants securing their daily bread and up at the clouds traversing a pale blue sky. Somewhere beyond the clouds the Father and His Son look down on our blue-green orb. Like tiny ants occupied with tiny projects that seem so big and important in our tiny world, we’ve not time to look up. How little thought is given to the Gentle Giant of the Heavens who holds our world in His hands. How silly for me to look down and see the ant and then look up and not see Him, and not fear.

“Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing?” Like little ants, we’re all so busy getting our little piece of the potato chip we’ve not seen just how little it all really is.

Jason Moore