Friday, May 2, 2008

The End of the Beginnings

Song: Redeemed

Scripture: Genesis 50:1-26

One fourth of the book of Genesis is devoted to the story of Joseph. His story was the story of Israel. In a few generations all Israel would be enslaved like the favored son of Jacob had been. The story of God’s deliverance and exaltation of Joseph should have inspired their hope that He would someday redeem the entire nation from captivity also.

Genesis ends with that note of promise. Jacob was buried in Canaan in anticipation of Israel’s return. By faith, Joseph too gave instructions for his bones to be carried to Canaan whenever Israel should depart from Egypt.

Several of the promises to Abraham have seen at least some partial fulfillment at the close of Genesis. The sons of Jacob are on their way to becoming an innumerable host. Abraham’s fame is known in Egypt, a world power, and Jacob is given the burial of a pharaoh. A king, or near king, has emerged from Israel in the person of Joseph. And as promised, Israel is sojourning in a foreign land.

The book of beginnings ends with the theme of the Bible: redemption. Jacob’s sons fear that, with the death of their father, Joseph will seek revenge. Joseph explains, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to… preserve many people alive.” The same words could be put in the mouth of Jesus. It is the theme of redemption, and a foretaste of the salvation to come.

Jason Moore