Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Mind of Christ

Song: Let Jesus Dwell Within Your Soul

Scripture: Philippians 2:1-18

Paul wrote four epistles during his first Roman imprisonment: Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, and Philippians. It had been about ten years since his second missionary journey when the church in Philippi was established. He had returned during the third journey, and the church (which included Lydia and the jailor) had supported Paul’s work.

The theme of Paul’s letter to Philippi is found in today’s reading: “Have this mind which was also in Christ Jesus” (v. 5). Learning the mind of Christ is the Christian’s goal and the key to a contented life.

A humble mind. That’s the subject of chapter 2. Jesus suffered the loss of His station and rights for the sake of sinners. The unity of His followers is dependent on that same attitude. It begins with me.

A contented mind. Paul, uncertain whether he would see release or execution, encouraged the Philippians to rejoice (4:4). “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (1:21). Joy is a contented mind, the byproduct of an active faith, the attitude of the believer “working out his own salvation” (2:12).

An ambitious mind. The mind of Christ is fueled by hope. “I press on,” Paul wrote (3:14). Hope is the “one thing,” the main thing, the first thing that occupies the Christian’s mind. All else was refuse to Paul. Gaining Christ is the only hope that is hope, the only hope that won’t disappoint.

Macedonia was a center of persecution. Paul had been jailed there. The Philippians needed the mind of Christ. So do we. Put it on today.

Jason Moore