Monday, May 5, 2008

His Majesty's Story

Song: Praise Him! Praise Him!

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-23

Matthew’s gospel answers the question of the magi, “Where is He that has been born King of the Jews?” It bears the glad tidings of the arrival of the King who would sit upon David’s throne.

Jesus was the Promised King. Matthew’s gospel is the most Jewish of the gospels. He begins with Jesus’ genealogy noting His birth from the line of Abraham and David. OT quotations abound in Matthew as he proves, beginning with the nativity in Bethlehem, that Jesus was the awaited King.

Jesus was the Heavenly King. From the start it was clear that His kingdom was not of this world. His birth was not in Jerusalem, the royal seat, but Bethlehem, a humble village. Temporal powers did not hail him but a celestial body signified and celebrated His birth. Those with eyes to see like the Eastern nobles and the appointed star recognize then and now that “all authority” would shortly be given to Him “in heaven and on earth” (28:18).

Jesus was the Rejected King. “He shall be called a Nazarene” is not a direct quote from the prophets. However it summarizes the sentiment of prophecy that the Messiah would be rejected. Where was the celebration that ought to attend the birth of a king? Herod feared, all Jerusalem was troubled. Gentile wise men worshiped while Israel’s scribes neglected the birth of their King. The tone for the future rejection of this King was set.

Hail to the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! See His Majesty! Jesus Christ is His name!

Jason Moore