Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Glory That Was Not Yet

Song: O Worship The King

Scripture: 1 Kings 9:1-9

David and Solomon reigned during the glory days of Israel. The promises to Abraham of a great nation, an inheritance, a king and kingdom, and a blessed seed that would bless the nations saw their material fulfillment in the united kingdom of David and Solomon. 1 and 2 Kings record Solomon’s reign, it’s glory and decline, then the story of Solomon’s sons from Rehoboam, who divided the kingdom, to the disappearance of Israel in Assyria and finally the discipline of Judah in the Babylonian captivity. The messages of the books are many:

Hearken to God’s messengers. The books of the Kings are to the Prophets of the OT what Acts is to the Epistles of the NT. They provide the backdrop for an intelligent reading of the prophets whose warnings are as timely today as they were then. Israel plugged her hears. Learn from her mistakes.

Like king, like country. The kings of Israel both influenced and reflected the morality of their subjects. Some were good, some bad. As God promised Solomon, He rewarded the faithful and punished the godless. He still rules the nations.

The arm of flesh will fail. Even the best kings, like Solomon, failed. God was patient with all, but He had plans for something better. David’s throne would not be established by a Solomon, certainly not a Manasseh. Jesus Christ would forever secure the throne of David, with authority in heaven and on earth, establishing a rule over men’s hearts instead of their lands. The Kings and our own experiences ready us for His better and perfect reign.

Jason Moore