Friday, May 30, 2008

Prophet to the Captives

Song: It Won't Be Very Long

Scripture: Ezekiel 12:1-16

The deportation of Judah into Babylonian captivity occurred in three stages. 1) In 605 BC, Nebuchadnezzar carried Daniel and other Jewish lads of noble birth into captivity. 2) In 597 BC, he returned to Jerusalem and took King Jehoiachin captive along with other Jews, including Ezekiel. 3) In 586 BC, Nebuchadnezzar sacked the city of Jerusalem, destroying the temple and carrying the inhabitants into exile for 70 years.

Ezekiel was God’s prophet to the captives in Babylon. He prophesied from the time following his own deportation until a period well into the 70 year captivity of the Jews. Often his message featured “visual aids” as in today’s reading. His message to the captives was two-fold.

1) “Get used to captivity” is his first message. Even after the second deportation, the Jews in Jerusalem and in captivity held out hope that Jerusalem would never fall. They didn’t believe the prophet’s message of judgment. Judgment is still not a popular message. But it is a certain one.

2) “God is faithful” is his second message. After Jerusalem fell, the captives despaired and no longer hoped in the promises of God. Ezekiel taught the exiles that their own sin led to captivity, but that after God had disciplined them, He would return them to the land and establish a more glorious kingdom. God’s promises never fail. We may forfeit our own participation in them, but they never fail.

Jason Moore